The European Trade Union Confederation is staging a European Day of Action on 29 September next. It will be made up of a Euro-demonstration in Brussels and trade union actions in the various European countries. The European trade unions will be demonstrating against the austerity measures adopted recently by many European countries, and to demand recovery plans in favour of quality jobs and growth.

         This is not enough, little pockets of demonstrators dotted around Europe will not have any effect on the powers that be. What is needed is an indefinite pan-European general strike. To call on the workers to politely form marches here and there asking the financial world not to hurt them too much is a retrograde step. We want to change the system, we don’t want more of the same. If we want that better world for all, we can’t simply ask for more of what we have just had. All the workers of this world have to do to change it for ever is just simply fold their arms. Stay at home, read a book, take the kids for a walk, go for a cycle, then organise your community and work place the way you want it to be, but don’t turn up to be employed by the parasites, occupy your work place.

       This action by the European TUC should be expanded, it should be seen as the opportunity to grasp the moment and take control of our lives and free ourselves from the yoke of exploitation by the parasitical financial greed merchants and their state mouthpieces the politicians. We could take that step to start the creation of that better world based on mutual aid that sees to the needs of all our people and consign this system of greed and profit to the dustbin of history. We don’t want to beg for work, we don’t want to to say “Please don’t cut my social services, my health service or my kids education but do keep exploiting me.” We want to change the world and only we the workers will do that for the benefit of the workers.

ann arky’s home.


         He was another Christian fundamentalist war mongering nutter mouthpiece of the state so why allow him to bask in the illusion of popularity. He became a millionaire on the blood of others.

Protest Blair’s Book signing – Wed 8 September
Message from Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition

          We’ve had a huge response from our members, supporters and the press to the protest we are organising outside Waterstone’s, Piccadilly on Wednesday 8 September, 12:30pm, when war criminal Tony Blair will be at a book-signing event to launch his memoirs.

          A measure of how outraged people are by a bookshop hosting an event as if Blair is like any other author publicising a book, rather than indictable for war crimes. Within days, our e-lobby has seen 1000 users ask Waterstone’s to cancel the book-signing. You can find the e-lobby at .

        Please publicise this link as widely as you can, post it to your Facebook, website, Twitter, etc.

         A letter asking Waterstone’s to reconsider giving Blair a platform was recently published in the Guardian signed by, among others, novelists Iain Banks and AL Kennedy, journalist John Pilger, composer Michael Nyman, former Guantanamo detainee Moazzem Begg, ex-soldier Ben Griffin and artist Tanya Tier.

We’ve turned this into a petition for use by local groups, which can be downloaded here:

ann arky’s home.


         If anybody out there thinks that it is Clinton/Bush/Obama that is the problem, then perhaps this little list, which is in no way complete, might help to make the point that it is the system of state/corporate capitalism/imperialism, and not the figurehead at the top that is the real problem.

Excerpts courtesy of   CIA timeline.   by Steve Kangas

1953: Iran; CIA overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup, after he threatened to nationalize British oil.

1954: Guatemala; CIA overthrows the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz in a military coup.

1957-1973: Laos; The CIA carries out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify Laos’ democratic elections.

1959: Haiti; The U.S. military helps “Papa Doc” Duvalier become dictator of Haiti. He creates his own private police force, the “Tonton Macoutes,” who terrorize the population with machetes.

Ecuador; The CIA-backed military forces the democratically elected President Jose Velasco to resign

Congo (Zaire); The CIA assassinates the democratically elected Patrice Lumumba

1963: Dominican Republic; The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Juan Bosch in a military coup

1964: Brazil; A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart. The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history.

1965: Indonesia; The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Sukarno with a military coup.

Congo (Zaire); A CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko as dictator.

1967: Greece; A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the government two days before the elections.

Bolivia; A CIA-organized military operation captures legendary guerilla Che Guevara.

1969: Uruguay; The notorious CIA torturer Dan Mitrione arrives in Uruguay, a country torn with political strife. Whereas right-wing forces previously used torture only as a last resort, Mitrione convinces them to use it as a routine, widespread practice.

1973: Chile; The CIA overthrows and assassinates Salvador Allende. The CIA replaces Allende with General Augusto Pinochet, who will torture and murder thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on labor leaders and the political left.

1981: Iran/Contra Begins; The CIA begins selling arms to Iran at high prices, using the profits to arm the Contras fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua

1983: Honduras; The CIA gives Honduran military officers the Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual, which teaches how to torture people.

1989: Panama; The U.S. invades Panama to overthrow a dictator of its own making, General Manuel Noriega.

Like I said, this list is in no way complete, but there is enough there to surely convince you that changing the smiling face that sits on the throne of corporate capitalism isn’t going to make one bleeding bit of difference to the endless slaughter that goes on to protect the bank balances of the rich parasites that own the corporate world. It will require the destruction of corporate capitalism and the creating a system based on mutual aid and sustainability that will see to the needs of all our people, before we see an end to the slaughter for profits.


ann arky’s home.  




          Millionaire Cameron is always mouthing off about the “Big Society” it is his buzz word, but we all know that it is just a load of vacuous crap in an attempt to fool everybody into thinking that cuts to social spending will make everything just lovely for everybody. His deluded vision is one of everybody working as an entrepreneur, making lots of money and having lots of time to devote to charity work in the community, helping the poor. Of course in his illusionary society there will be no poor as we will all be working away furiously making pots of money.

          In his imaginary world of the “Big Society” we are all supposed to come together and do more voluntary work in the community, at the same time as his millionaire buddy, Osborne, has set in motion at least a 6% cut in funding for voluntary projects, The funding for voluntary projects is set to loose £734 million. So there you have the millionaire twins plan for the “Big Society”, cut the funds for voluntary projects by 6% and encourage more people to set up lots more voluntary organisations.

          Lies and lies and more lies followed by damn lies, as they decimate our living standards to feed the bond markets and their millionaire chums. I’m no lover of the right wing labour bunch but a quote from Tessa Jowell, the shadow Cabinet Office minister, points in the direction of anarchist principles, “What people want is not the vacuous promise of a big society but a good society where everybody does their bit and is helped to do so to improve their community and create benefits for everyone. But a big society that cuts people loose, leaving them to stand on their own, will never work.” Come on Tessa, take the next step, a society based on mutual aid, not profit. People can run their own communities without having to carry a bunch of over privileged pampered parasites on our back. We can organise our communities to see to the needs of all our people without paying for the corporate world to pollute and plunder our planet. We don’t need you baby, you and your type and the problem, not the answer.

ann arky’s home.




 See the fat cat’s grinning smile

as Corporate Capitalism runs amok, 

Chasing profit as it goes 

firing millions of ordinary folk. 

Raping and polluting land after land, 

starting bloody wars. 

Toxic waste, sweat shop wages 

and oil covered sea shores. 

Where have all the flowers gone 

beneath this ozone free sky? 

To join the birds, to join the fox 

on yonder plutonium field to die. 

Mercury fish, strontium lamb 

trees that never show a leaf, 

radio active beaches, toxic streams 

good lean BSE-antibiotic beef. 

In a world of epidemic, plague and famine 

it’s bottled water and chemical food. 

Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice 

so you know its got to be good. 

Beneath a sky that’s always black, 

hurricane winds and endless drought, 

its oxygen masks for the toxic air, 

corporate profit’s what its all about.

       Of course it doesn’t need to be like that, we have a choice. We can continue to let the corporate world run amok, polluting and plundering to further enrich the parasite millionaire shareholders or we can say, enough is enough and put an end to this insanity they call capitalism.

        A fairer sustainable world is possible but only if we take control of our own lives and organise society to see to the needs of all our people. Destroy this system that has become the destroyer of the planet. and create a society based on mutual aid and sustainability freed from the greed driven profit motive.

ann arky’s home. 





        It is odd that people should accept the state even although history tells us that, despite its vociferous and strenuous propaganda to the contrary, the state is the longest running, most experienced, most skilled, most copious purveyors in that ancient and intricate art of terror, in the long and tortured history of man.

       Ever since the first government was formed, terror has been an accepted weapon for keeping the people in line. Never for the benefit of the people in the line, but for those who wish to keep them there. The few rule the many and since it is against the interests of the many, the few need the weapon of terror to protect their little profitable cabal. It would therefore seem obvious that if we wish to free ourselves from the the ever present anticipation and results of terror, we have to first and foremost get rid of the greatest source of terror, the state, and its mouthpiece, government.


 Politicians living a life of opulence

paid for by other men’s dreams,

add to the lexicon of humanity’s suffering

weaving their selfish grandiose schemes.

Abusing privileges, grasping at wealth

egos blown like a hot air balloon,

preaching our poverty will bring

prosperity for all———-soon.

We tighten our belt another notch

accepting a beggarly slice of the cake,

while they bask in a cherry orchard

surrounded by a fine wine lake.

Pouring words, grand posturing,

as they unveil their latest plan,

assuring they live in luxury

while we struggle as best we can.

Poverty’s the price for allowing

others to plan our days,

when will we finally grasp

this is the way of slaves.

ann arky’s home.



        August 19 is celebrated by Afghans as Afghan Independence Day and represents the signing by the Afghans and the British Imperialists of the Treaty of Rawalpindi on August 19 1919. The British Imperialists, after three bloody wars, gave gave up their imperialist dreams of occupying Afghanistan. On her recent visit to Afghanistan, Hilary Clinton, with unashamed hypocrisy and utter audacity, congratulated the Afghan people on their 91 years of independence. An independence that has seen almost 10 years bloody Soviet occupation followed by a further almost 10 years, and even more bloody, US/UK occupation that is still ongoing.

         It appears that when the US invades and occupies a country that is freedom, but when any other country does likewise, it is tyranny. It is simply a matter of state logic, we are always righteous and for freedom, they are always tyrannical and repressive.

           In the past it was workers blood that was shed on foreign soil killing workers at the behest of our imperial masters. Now it is workers killing workers on foreign soil at the behest of the corporate world, with the state giving it the stamp of legitimacy by supplying the cannon fodder. Never has it been for the benefit of the workers. In the past crowns got extra jewels and mansions were built on the blood of the spoils. Now oil and minerals, contracts and markets are added to the corporate portfolio. History surely tells us that this system of states is not for the benefit of the ordinary people.

ann arky’s home.




Europe-wide privatisation, cutbacks and layoffs.

A Europe that exploits Africa and Asia for profit.

Fortress Europe” with racist immigration controls.

Patents and profits from medical drugs.

Ever more cops, jails and surveillance to protect their wealth.

A Rapid Reaction Force to enforce corporate rule on the globe.

European nationalism V. The globe.


Workers self management, expansion of public services.

Solidarity with the peoples of Africa and Asia as part of an international revolution.

The free movement of all people without border controls.

Free medical drugs for all who need them.

An end to inequality and the system that protects it.

An end to their militarisation, war and armies.

Global workers solidarity.


ann arky’s home.



       Well we are entering the era of the millionaires’ picnic. All those sweaty handed greedy parasitical millionaires are jumping around with glee. They now have 23 of their millionaire pals in charge of the country who are handing out lots of goodies to the millionaires’ club. Under the guise of necessary cuts they are slashing the budgets of all social services, which in turn will make them unmanageable and lo-and-behold, the private sector will rush in to provide those services at a huge profit to them of course. You can expect such things as refuse collection, water supply etc. to be done by the private sector and no doubt you will be metered and charged according to the amount of refuse you deposit and the amount of water used. The price will be controlled by a bunch of shareholders seeking ever more and easier cash while doing nothing but looking at their bank balance. Under such a scheme I can see rubbish being dumped here there and everywhere as the people try to keep their costs down so that they can feed themselves. Oh, and don’t have too many kids, you can’t afford to keep them clean, bath nights will be a thing of the past, you’ll need that water to flush the loo.

      Now Scottish National Trust, a body that is supposed to hold some of the nations greatest treasure in trust for the people, has hinted that it may have to sell some of its treasures to make ends meet. Yep, it’s the millionaires’ picnic, they will be able to pick up a treasure or two at bargain basement prices, all because of the “economic climate” created by some of their other millionaire friends. They know how to work together, isn’t time we did the same?

         As the millionaires’ picnic gets into full swing you can expect to see all public assets being transferred to the millionaire parasites, who will be sitting back thinking that it is now Christmas all the year round. Unless we smash this roller-coaster run of millionaires greed we will live in a society where there are no public spaces, no public assets, everything will be owned and controlled by the millionaires of the corporate world. You will have to have lots of money to get the simplest of living standards, and if you fall below that level your only hope will be to appeal for charity.

         We have the ability, the imagination, the resources and the right, to build a society based on the needs of all our people, a fair and just society created on the foundations of mutual aid and sustainability. This present system of winner takes all and to hell with the hindmost is not laid in tablets of stone from some higher authority, it is a relatively new man made corrupt and exploitive system. We built everything on this planet, we can destroy the mistakes of the past and in place of the greedy profit driven system, we can create a world we would want to leave to our children and our grand children. The only thing that can stop us is our own fear and the lack of will.

ann arky’s home.



             On 29 June 2010, I posted the idea that nothing less than an indefinite Pan-European general strike would be needed to change the shape of society for ever. To free ourselves from the grip of corporate greed and build a society based on mutual aid in a sustainable fashion we have to take control of all those corporate institutions. In a word, occupy, transforming them into institutions that are truly democratic, sustainable and run for the benefit of all in our communities, working in federation with each other.

           There is no point to forming a mass organisation to ask our “Lords and Masters” (the parasites) to please give us back some of our pensions and please don’t decimate our health service and could we please have a half decent education system, but leave the greed mongers and millionaire parasites in charge. We created all the wealth on the planet, we own it by our forefathers sweat and blood and by our own efforts. They on the other hand have contributed nothing but control it all. The present economic climate may be our last chance to grasp control and change society for ever. Every ordinary person will feel the effects of the millionaires “austerity cuts”, ever ordinary person has to realise that there is a better way to organise our society without feeding the plundering parasites of the corporate world. We have nothing to lose, they are attempting to take every public asset into private hands and completely out of your control. Social services will be private business, you pay or you do without or rely on charities. This system of leaders, presidents and corporate greed has given us nothing but wars, poverty and deprivation, we can surely manage our lives much better than that.

         Organising to take control of our communities and our workplaces is the only hope left for the ordinary people to create a decent life for themselves and their children. As long as we accept the present system of plundering and exploitation of the many by the few, then we are on an ever accelerating downward spiral to ever greater deprivation.

          The UK Trades Unions have called for a co-ordinated defence of our conditions, the members should be calling not just for UK co-ordinated action but for that Pan-European general strike, not to protect our conditions but to create that better society which is run for the benefit of all. A truly free and democratic society based on free association, voluntary co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability. To hell with the misery of being exploited to hand greedy shareholders a life of unearned luxury, to hell with Chief Executives firing thousands of workers and walking away with millions of pounds for their efforts. The 29th September is growing ever nearer???

ann arky’s home.



   A little bit behind but only received this the other day in the form of a leaflet and thought it deserves support, after all who will be next in their attempt to silence the opposition to their slash and burn policies? Trying to push one group out here and another out there is their way of trying to silence the public and frustrate any attempt at the ordinary people organising themselves against the millionaires’ club.

Govanhill Police Attack the Right to Organise.

        On Tuesday (13/07.2010) Fight Racism-Fight Imperialism set out to hold one of its weekly stalls outside Lidl Victoria Road. Within 15 minutes of setting up we were approached by two police officers; Pc. Ishaque (badge number- G282) and Pc. Willie Neil (badge number-G480)  who have tried to shut down our own and other activists stalls before but failed. Two FR/FI activists  were charged with selling a newspaper without a permit ( which the human rights act 1998 allows us to do) and were also charged with obstruction. Our table and 13 FR/FI newspapers were seized!

Defend Democratic Rights! No to Political Policing!

        FR/FI will not be intimidated off the streets and will defend the rights of ourselves and others to oppose the wars, spending cuts and blatant corruption (e.g. Steven Purcell) of Britain’s rulling-classes. I the period before the full crunch of the spending cuts is felt; lower the already miserable living standards of Glasgow’s poor; police should be shown that they cannot attack our democratic rights without promting a fightback. Let the people of Govanhill decide who should be allowed to sell their newspapers, not a few coppers hiding behind their badges!

What You can Do?

Send e-mails of complaint to – 

or phone 0141 532 5312 demanding our table and newspapers be returned and that all charges be dropped.

Support our right to sell newspapers! No to censorship!

L:eave your details for upcoming meetings and events or contact us at

ann arky’s home.



          Our millionaire Prime Minister at a meeting in Birmingham made clear what we all new would be the case. He stated that his slash and burn cuts at our social services to get the deficit down and under control would be permanent and would not be restored once the budget deficit had gone. So it is not a matter of a little pain now and all will be well in the future. This is clearly millionaire ideology being forced onto the general public. All the social services, education, health, care for the elderly, pension, you name it, it will be up to the private sector to step in and provide these, at a huge profit for them of course. Services will be graded according to what you can afford not what you need. If you fall into the category that can afford very little, well tough, you’ll have to rely on charity, after all, business is business.

          This millionaire hatchet man also stated that we would have to do things differently. What he means by that, is a society with no social services and no social conscience, a 100% profit orientated society, the underlying principle being if it doesn’t make money then don’t do it, let some charity organisation take care of that side of things.

         Is this the sort of society that you voted for? Is this the sort of society that you want? If not then we had better get our heads together and do some organising, not to put things back the way they were, but to change society forever based on the needs of all our people and dump the millionaire parasites in the dustbin of history.

ann arky’s home.



         We no longer have a political party system, it is a corporate state. No matter what party you elect and no matter the different and wonderful manifesto promises, after the election it is just as before with perhaps a little plus or minus this way or that. The smile on the face of the new messiah may look more radiant than the last, but the price of bread still goes up. The few over privileged parasites that have control of all the institutions in our society have bought the political parties and are in bed with the military. Big business is all, and war is big business, so we will have war, bloating the coffers of the corporate greed machine until they bleed us all dry. To the corporate world people are dispensable, profit is the name of the game.

          Turning to this or that political party creates the myth of democracy and the results prove that it is no more than a myth, an illusion spun by the media, another institution, which is hardly likely to speak against its master and owner corporate world.

             If we want a better world where we see to the needs of all our people then we have to break the hold of that corporate beast. Communities have to take control of all those institutions and run them in federation with each other based on sustainability. We have to eliminate the profit motive from all we do, and create for the benefit of all, mutual aid being the key. No matter how you try to shape capitalism, no matter how green you think you can make it, it is unsustainable and will never work for the benefit of all, it is an elitist and exploitive system that works for the privileged few parasites who own those corporations.

ann arky’s home.



        What little gains the ordinary people have made in getting back a fraction of the wealth they create has been paid for in sweat, blood and tears. The enemy of the working class, the corporate world, backed up by the state, will go to any lengths to hold onto the plunder they have squeezed from the sweat of the workers. Murder is never off the agenda, they know how to play hardball, and the have the power of the state behind them.

      This month marks the annivesary of one such murder, less than 100 years ago. The following is taken fromBleedmeister Dave’s Daily Bleed.  

August 1917 — US: IWW labour organizer Frank Little lynched in Butte, Montana.

       During a prolonged conflict between miners & copper companies, a vigilante group drags Industrial Workers of the World organizer Frank Little — broken leg and all — from his boarding house and hang him from a railroad trestle. As a warning to others, the lynchers pin the old vigilante numbers, 3-7-77, to his clothes. Authorities make no attempt to find the assailants.
          Years later the writer Dashiell Hammett would recall his days in Butte as an armed mercenary being paid by the Pinkerton detective agency & the mine companies. One night, as he sat in a Butte bar, Hammett said he was approached by a mine company representative who offered him $5,000 to kill Frank Little. Beating Wobblies with clubs was one thing . . . murder was another, & Hammett said he quit on the spot.

ann arky’s home.




         There are those academics/pundits that appear on TV and write in newspapers about the economic situation and make statements like, “These cuts are a big mistake.” “Such deep cuts are a blunder.” Well they don’t quite get it, do they? Far from being a “mistake-blunder” these cuts are all part of the grand plan, and everything is going just fine, the system is working at full throttle for the millionaires club. The grand plan is of course, to transfer all public assets and services to the members of that millionaires’ club, so that the corporate world can deliver everything you want, at a profit, if you have the money of course. You can have a wonderful life, the best of education, the best of health treatment, live in the best of houses. All you will need is plenty of cash, if no cash, sorry, the charities will look after you. Yep, the system is working great if you’re one of those members of the millionaires’ club.

ann arky’s home.