The following is a short extract from a very interesting article, the whole of which can be read HERE. It is something that all the big financial institutions don’t comment on, well at least not in public. 

    Though it is obvious that if there is the likelhood of such a collapse  the ordinary people should be organising at grass roots level to co-operate and survive through sustainable mutual aid projects. Are we? You can rest assured that the pampered parasites responsible for the debt bubble and its eventual bursting, will have taken good care of their survival, even at the expense of the ordinary people. 

“—Despite all of our advanced technology, the truth is that human civilization simply cannot function without oil and food.  But now the price of oil and the price of food are both increasing dramatically.  So how is the current global economy supposed to keep functioning properly if it soon costs much more to ship products between continents?  How are the billions of people that are just barely surviving today supposed to feed themselves if the price of food goes up another 30 or 40 percent?  For decades, most of the major economies around the globe have been able to take for granted that massive amounts of cheap oil and massive amounts of cheap food will always be there.  So what happens when that paradigm changes?—“

ann arky’s home.



       Isn’t about time we woke up to the fact that national governments are no more than the corporate world’s minders. They certainly don’t function for the benefit of all in society, they do the bidding of their corporate bosses. We now live in a corporate society where the corporations control everything and nothing will be done that might in any way hinder their progress to amass ever greater profits. We should always remember that a pool of unemployed helps to keep wages down, it is a bonus to the corporate world. You can lobby the millionaire cabal in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption all you want about more jobs and all that crap but basically they don’t need you. The corporate world is not in the least patriotic, the Asian manufacturing is booming and the companies that are falling over themselves to join that bandwagon over there are all familiar names to the Western workers. In the past the booming West sent its affluent workers as tourists to the East, now it is in reverse, the affluent Asians are visiting the poorer West. The corporate world doesn’t much care which way it goes, as I said before, they are not in the least patriotic.

It is strange that the corporate world and anarchists should have one thing in common, we both want the end to national borders. We anarchist want to see the end of the state and its borders so that we as people can co-operate, function freely in federation with all other people to our mutual benefit. The corporate world wants an end to national borders but only for capital to move freely around the globe exploiting any pool of cheap labour it can find and all for the benefit of that little band of parasites, the shareholders.

The reality is, we don’t need them, we make and distribute everything in this world, we can do so in a much more efficient, equitable, just and sustainable manner if we eliminated the parasites and and got rid of their mantra, profit above all else. They on the other hand do need us to continue to be exploited, so as they can maintain their pampered parasitical existence.

ann arky’s home.


       On 20th October millionaire Osborne, one of the millionaire cabal at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption, will spell out his hatchet job. We will know then just where and how viciously the chopping will be done. We already have pieces of the slaughter out in the open, social housing budget, hacked by app.80%, family allowance stops at 16, discouraging the poorer section of our society from continuing their education after that date. By some estimates, 500,000 public sector jobs to go and approximately the same from the private sector. Housing benefit cut, forcing some families onto the street, and so it goes on. This an attack on all sections of the working class with the poorest taking the hardest hit.

       All this is supposed to make us fell better in the long run, tell that to those thrown onto the scrap heap of poverty and unemployment. Tell that to the kids of those families as they grow up to find that further education is not for them and a job is a slim possibility. However, the financial sector is happy and the bond markets are happy and of course that’s where our millionaire cabal’s friends hang out ripping off all and sundry as they privatize everything in sight.

          The biggest and most blatant grab for all public assets by the corporate world since the start of the welfare state. These cuts will see the end of councils and government providing services. All will be delivered by the corporate greed machine as it squeezes everything to drain the last drop of profit from everything and anything. You will now find yourself at the mercy of the profit grabbers, if you can’t provide them with profit you will be excluded. In their world money talks and that is the only language they understand, no compassion,  no mutual aid, no seeing to the needy, no co-operation for mutual benefit, no caring society, pay up or get out.

        Welcome to the 21st, century Victorian Britain, if you are in need and don’t have much money, then just hope that there is a charity in your area that handles your sort of problem. Or organise to take control of your communities, take control of your workplaces. Just remember, they need you, you don’t need them.

ann arky’s home.


     Cartoon from Black Flag Vol. VII No.6 1984. 

       Recently an old friend gave me some 1970/80s back numbers of the wonderful magazine Black Flag. What surprised me most was that nothing seems to have changed and what was being said then is still relevant today. There was the struggles against cuts, the miners fight to keep their jobs and their communities. Today its still the cuts and the dole, cuts in all aspects of the social fabric of our society and public service workers, among others, fighting to keep their jobs. The parties come and go, the new leaders come into favour and fall out of favour, the people always have to struggle to try to hold onto what they have. The system never changes, wealth is created and moves up the syphon to the elite pampered parasites who control the levers.

      While our millionaire masters wallow in unearned wealth, they preach to us, the lesser beings, about having to make sacrifices. They can stand in front of a live audience, and with a serious face and not a hint of bushing with shame, can spout such crap as “We are all in this together.” “We have to make difficult choices.” “We all have to make sarifices.” Not one of those with this master plane of cuts and sacrifices will in any way be affected by their legislation. They are the propaganda masters of the corporate world, they weave the illusion of having common ground with the ordinary people. Let’s make it clear, there is no common ground between the pampered parasitical emlpoyers and the struggling ordinary people.  They want you to work as long as possible, as hard as possible for as little as possible and pay them for everything you’ll ever need or want, at a profit to them of course. We want a fair, just and decent society that sees to the needs of all our people based on mutual aid and sustainability. Tell me, where is the common ground? We are diametrically opposed, for our vision of society to become a reality we have to get rid of the opposing view that people are there for exploiting and creating wealth for shareholders. It is their world, or it is our world, it can’t be both. Which do you want?

ann arky’s home.



        With massive strikes and demonstrations likely to esculate in the coming months perhaps the general public should be looking at what next. What lies beyond this stinking corrupt system of corporate capitalism, what alternatives do we have to the equally corrupt representative “democracy”  How can we change the world forever in our favour?

The following is an extract from Ken Knabb’s ” The Joy of Revolution.”


          “In representative democracy people abdicate their power to elected officials. The candidates’ stated policies are limited to a few vague generalities, and once they are elected there is little control over their actual decisions on hundreds of issues — apart from the feeble threat of changing one’s vote, a few years later, to some equally uncontrollable rival politician. Representatives are dependent on the wealthy for bribes and campaign contributions; they are subordinate to the owners of the mass media, who decide which issues get the publicity; and they are almost as ignorant and powerless as the general public regarding many important matters that are determined by unelected bureaucrats and independent secret agencies. Overt dictators may sometimes be overthrown, but the real rulers in “democratic” regimes, the tiny minority who own or control virtually everything, are never voted in and never voted out. Most people don’t even know who they are…. “

Read the full article here;

  ann arky’s home.


        Recently there has been rumblings coming from the various political pundits that today’s situation means that it is no longer a matter of the right-left struggle, it is now a struggle of the people aginst the corporate world. It may come as a surprise to these people, but since the late 1880′s anarchists have been saying that it is not a matter of left and right between the people but a matter of the people against the state. The state has always been there for the protection of the wealthy. After all it was them that set the whole thing up in the first place, and it took generations of struggle for the ordinary people to get even a token element of participation. Remember the struggle for all to get the vote, then for women to get the vote.? Americans can surely remember the civil rights struggles. The only thing that has changed is that in the past the wealthy of a nation owned that nation, now the corporate world own the planet. It is the corporate world that dictates fiscal policies to the various nations. Look around the world and you see governments of left, right, and middle all pursuing the same fiscal policies, the only variation is in degree and speed.

         As long as we accept a system that sets the creation of wealth for the corporate institutions as the goal rather than the well being of the people, we will continually see the gap between rich and poor ever escalating. Poverty will run rampant and the elite pampered parasites will own and control every aspect of our lives.

        Anarchist have been proclaiming this since the word “anarchist” first came in to the language. The difference now is that is is becoming more and more glaringly obvious that they have been right all along. So all those “political pundits” have to do is take the obvious step and through their weight behind the cause for anarchism. 


ann arky’s home.




     The European Trade Union Confederation is staging a European Day of Action on 29 September next. It will be made up of a Euro-demonstration in Brussels and trade union actions in the various European countries. The European trade unions will be demonstrating against the austerity measures adopted recently by many European countries, and to demand recovery plans in favour of quality jobs and growth.

         This is not enough, little pockets of demonstrators dotted around Europe will not have any effect on the powers that be. What is needed is an indefinite pan-European general strike. To call on the workers to politely form marches here and there asking the financial world not to hurt them too much is a retrograde step. We want to change the system, we don’t want more of the same. If we want that better world for all, we can’t simply ask for more of what we have just had. All the workers of this world have to do to change it for ever is just simply fold their arms. Stay at home, read a book, take the kids for a walk, go for a cycle, then organise your community and work place the way you want it to be, but don’t turn up to be employed by the parasites, occupy your work place.

       This action by the European TUC should be expanded, it should be seen as the opportunity to grasp the moment and take control of our lives and free ourselves from the yoke of exploitation by the parasitical financial greed merchants and their state mouthpieces the politicians. We could take that step to start the creation of that better world based on mutual aid that sees to the needs of all our people and consign this system of greed and profit to the dustbin of history. We don’t want to beg for work, we don’t want to to say “Please don’t cut my social services, my health service or my kids education but do keep exploiting me.” We want to change the world and only we the workers will do that for the benefit of the workers.

ann arky’s home.




          Millionaire Cameron is always mouthing off about the “Big Society” it is his buzz word, but we all know that it is just a load of vacuous crap in an attempt to fool everybody into thinking that cuts to social spending will make everything just lovely for everybody. His deluded vision is one of everybody working as an entrepreneur, making lots of money and having lots of time to devote to charity work in the community, helping the poor. Of course in his illusionary society there will be no poor as we will all be working away furiously making pots of money.

          In his imaginary world of the “Big Society” we are all supposed to come together and do more voluntary work in the community, at the same time as his millionaire buddy, Osborne, has set in motion at least a 6% cut in funding for voluntary projects, The funding for voluntary projects is set to loose £734 million. So there you have the millionaire twins plan for the “Big Society”, cut the funds for voluntary projects by 6% and encourage more people to set up lots more voluntary organisations.

          Lies and lies and more lies followed by damn lies, as they decimate our living standards to feed the bond markets and their millionaire chums. I’m no lover of the right wing labour bunch but a quote from Tessa Jowell, the shadow Cabinet Office minister, points in the direction of anarchist principles, “What people want is not the vacuous promise of a big society but a good society where everybody does their bit and is helped to do so to improve their community and create benefits for everyone. But a big society that cuts people loose, leaving them to stand on their own, will never work.” Come on Tessa, take the next step, a society based on mutual aid, not profit. People can run their own communities without having to carry a bunch of over privileged pampered parasites on our back. We can organise our communities to see to the needs of all our people without paying for the corporate world to pollute and plunder our planet. We don’t need you baby, you and your type and the problem, not the answer.

ann arky’s home.




 See the fat cat’s grinning smile

as Corporate Capitalism runs amok, 

Chasing profit as it goes 

firing millions of ordinary folk. 

Raping and polluting land after land, 

starting bloody wars. 

Toxic waste, sweat shop wages 

and oil covered sea shores. 

Where have all the flowers gone 

beneath this ozone free sky? 

To join the birds, to join the fox 

on yonder plutonium field to die. 

Mercury fish, strontium lamb 

trees that never show a leaf, 

radio active beaches, toxic streams 

good lean BSE-antibiotic beef. 

In a world of epidemic, plague and famine 

it’s bottled water and chemical food. 

Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice 

so you know its got to be good. 

Beneath a sky that’s always black, 

hurricane winds and endless drought, 

its oxygen masks for the toxic air, 

corporate profit’s what its all about.

       Of course it doesn’t need to be like that, we have a choice. We can continue to let the corporate world run amok, polluting and plundering to further enrich the parasite millionaire shareholders or we can say, enough is enough and put an end to this insanity they call capitalism.

        A fairer sustainable world is possible but only if we take control of our own lives and organise society to see to the needs of all our people. Destroy this system that has become the destroyer of the planet. and create a society based on mutual aid and sustainability freed from the greed driven profit motive.

ann arky’s home. 





Europe-wide privatisation, cutbacks and layoffs.

A Europe that exploits Africa and Asia for profit.

Fortress Europe” with racist immigration controls.

Patents and profits from medical drugs.

Ever more cops, jails and surveillance to protect their wealth.

A Rapid Reaction Force to enforce corporate rule on the globe.

European nationalism V. The globe.


Workers self management, expansion of public services.

Solidarity with the peoples of Africa and Asia as part of an international revolution.

The free movement of all people without border controls.

Free medical drugs for all who need them.

An end to inequality and the system that protects it.

An end to their militarisation, war and armies.

Global workers solidarity.


ann arky’s home.



       Well we are entering the era of the millionaires’ picnic. All those sweaty handed greedy parasitical millionaires are jumping around with glee. They now have 23 of their millionaire pals in charge of the country who are handing out lots of goodies to the millionaires’ club. Under the guise of necessary cuts they are slashing the budgets of all social services, which in turn will make them unmanageable and lo-and-behold, the private sector will rush in to provide those services at a huge profit to them of course. You can expect such things as refuse collection, water supply etc. to be done by the private sector and no doubt you will be metered and charged according to the amount of refuse you deposit and the amount of water used. The price will be controlled by a bunch of shareholders seeking ever more and easier cash while doing nothing but looking at their bank balance. Under such a scheme I can see rubbish being dumped here there and everywhere as the people try to keep their costs down so that they can feed themselves. Oh, and don’t have too many kids, you can’t afford to keep them clean, bath nights will be a thing of the past, you’ll need that water to flush the loo.

      Now Scottish National Trust, a body that is supposed to hold some of the nations greatest treasure in trust for the people, has hinted that it may have to sell some of its treasures to make ends meet. Yep, it’s the millionaires’ picnic, they will be able to pick up a treasure or two at bargain basement prices, all because of the “economic climate” created by some of their other millionaire friends. They know how to work together, isn’t time we did the same?

         As the millionaires’ picnic gets into full swing you can expect to see all public assets being transferred to the millionaire parasites, who will be sitting back thinking that it is now Christmas all the year round. Unless we smash this roller-coaster run of millionaires greed we will live in a society where there are no public spaces, no public assets, everything will be owned and controlled by the millionaires of the corporate world. You will have to have lots of money to get the simplest of living standards, and if you fall below that level your only hope will be to appeal for charity.

         We have the ability, the imagination, the resources and the right, to build a society based on the needs of all our people, a fair and just society created on the foundations of mutual aid and sustainability. This present system of winner takes all and to hell with the hindmost is not laid in tablets of stone from some higher authority, it is a relatively new man made corrupt and exploitive system. We built everything on this planet, we can destroy the mistakes of the past and in place of the greedy profit driven system, we can create a world we would want to leave to our children and our grand children. The only thing that can stop us is our own fear and the lack of will.

ann arky’s home.



             On 29 June 2010, I posted the idea that nothing less than an indefinite Pan-European general strike would be needed to change the shape of society for ever. To free ourselves from the grip of corporate greed and build a society based on mutual aid in a sustainable fashion we have to take control of all those corporate institutions. In a word, occupy, transforming them into institutions that are truly democratic, sustainable and run for the benefit of all in our communities, working in federation with each other.

           There is no point to forming a mass organisation to ask our “Lords and Masters” (the parasites) to please give us back some of our pensions and please don’t decimate our health service and could we please have a half decent education system, but leave the greed mongers and millionaire parasites in charge. We created all the wealth on the planet, we own it by our forefathers sweat and blood and by our own efforts. They on the other hand have contributed nothing but control it all. The present economic climate may be our last chance to grasp control and change society for ever. Every ordinary person will feel the effects of the millionaires “austerity cuts”, ever ordinary person has to realise that there is a better way to organise our society without feeding the plundering parasites of the corporate world. We have nothing to lose, they are attempting to take every public asset into private hands and completely out of your control. Social services will be private business, you pay or you do without or rely on charities. This system of leaders, presidents and corporate greed has given us nothing but wars, poverty and deprivation, we can surely manage our lives much better than that.

         Organising to take control of our communities and our workplaces is the only hope left for the ordinary people to create a decent life for themselves and their children. As long as we accept the present system of plundering and exploitation of the many by the few, then we are on an ever accelerating downward spiral to ever greater deprivation.

          The UK Trades Unions have called for a co-ordinated defence of our conditions, the members should be calling not just for UK co-ordinated action but for that Pan-European general strike, not to protect our conditions but to create that better society which is run for the benefit of all. A truly free and democratic society based on free association, voluntary co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability. To hell with the misery of being exploited to hand greedy shareholders a life of unearned luxury, to hell with Chief Executives firing thousands of workers and walking away with millions of pounds for their efforts. The 29th September is growing ever nearer???

ann arky’s home.



          Our millionaire Prime Minister at a meeting in Birmingham made clear what we all new would be the case. He stated that his slash and burn cuts at our social services to get the deficit down and under control would be permanent and would not be restored once the budget deficit had gone. So it is not a matter of a little pain now and all will be well in the future. This is clearly millionaire ideology being forced onto the general public. All the social services, education, health, care for the elderly, pension, you name it, it will be up to the private sector to step in and provide these, at a huge profit for them of course. Services will be graded according to what you can afford not what you need. If you fall into the category that can afford very little, well tough, you’ll have to rely on charity, after all, business is business.

          This millionaire hatchet man also stated that we would have to do things differently. What he means by that, is a society with no social services and no social conscience, a 100% profit orientated society, the underlying principle being if it doesn’t make money then don’t do it, let some charity organisation take care of that side of things.

         Is this the sort of society that you voted for? Is this the sort of society that you want? If not then we had better get our heads together and do some organising, not to put things back the way they were, but to change society forever based on the needs of all our people and dump the millionaire parasites in the dustbin of history.

ann arky’s home.



         Now that the well manicured millionaire twins are in full swing with their machetes, hacking at the living standards of the ordinary people of this country, all those who voted at the last election must ask themselves is this what they voted for? Did you know what you were voting for, was it really to see the millionaires club rip you off? Well, it is all your fault, you voted for them. Think of the number of elections we have had and all those wonderful manifestos and yet nothing has changed. The rich and powerful still hold all the aces, we get to carry their bags and we are supposed to be grateful.

          Every adult should know by now that changing the smile at 10 Downing Street, doesn’t make our lives any easier. It is not the well coiffured grinning face that needs changing it is the system. This system of corporate capitalism owns you, it owns the best houses the best land, the factories and the supermarkets, the schools and the hospitals. They have you by the balls and they are squeezing harder now than ever before. Our destiny is now shaped by globalised financiers and multinational corporations, ask yourself, did you vote for them? The 23 millionaires in the cabinet are the action team of the corporate world, they are there to sort things out, to sew-up all the public assets into nice packages for their parasite friends in the millionaires club to gobble up, and to hell with the people. It is their world or it is our world, there can be no compromise.

ann arky’s home.



         The Millionaire twins’ plans to cut the housing budget will have devastating effect on a huge swath of ordinary people. According to certain estimates the cuts will put another than 500,000 people on to the housing waiting lists as well as costing over 300,000 jobs in the process. The National Housing Federation stated that ministers risk “shutting the door on an entire generation of low-income families” It will also result in the creation of ghettos where the poor will be corralled like cattle, while the rich live in their secured areas of opulence at the expense of those poor. This is only one aspect of the Cameron-Clegg “BIG SOCIETY”. As well as decent housing being exclusive to the rich, the health service will go the same way and an adequate education will be an expensive commodity that most will not be able to afford. All this to safeguard the bond markets and the millionaire parasites of the corporate world, the real friends of this government and its millionaire cabinet.

           We accept these cuts at our peril, all that the working class have gained through struggle over the last century will be wiped out. It will be a return the poverty of the Victorian era where the deprivation in society was handled by charities and the rich parasites massage their egos by pretending to be philanthropists where they handed back a pittance of what they stole from the poor and expect respect and homage from those that they plundered.

ann arky’s home.