Now that the well manicured millionaire twins are in full swing with their machetes, hacking at the living standards of the ordinary people of this country, all those who voted at the last election must ask themselves is this what they voted for? Did you know what you were voting for, was it really to see the millionaires club rip you off? Well, it is all your fault, you voted for them. Think of the number of elections we have had and all those wonderful manifestos and yet nothing has changed. The rich and powerful still hold all the aces, we get to carry their bags and we are supposed to be grateful.

          Every adult should know by now that changing the smile at 10 Downing Street, doesn’t make our lives any easier. It is not the well coiffured grinning face that needs changing it is the system. This system of corporate capitalism owns you, it owns the best houses the best land, the factories and the supermarkets, the schools and the hospitals. They have you by the balls and they are squeezing harder now than ever before. Our destiny is now shaped by globalised financiers and multinational corporations, ask yourself, did you vote for them? The 23 millionaires in the cabinet are the action team of the corporate world, they are there to sort things out, to sew-up all the public assets into nice packages for their parasite friends in the millionaires club to gobble up, and to hell with the people. It is their world or it is our world, there can be no compromise.

ann arky’s home.



         The Millionaire twins’ plans to cut the housing budget will have devastating effect on a huge swath of ordinary people. According to certain estimates the cuts will put another than 500,000 people on to the housing waiting lists as well as costing over 300,000 jobs in the process. The National Housing Federation stated that ministers risk “shutting the door on an entire generation of low-income families” It will also result in the creation of ghettos where the poor will be corralled like cattle, while the rich live in their secured areas of opulence at the expense of those poor. This is only one aspect of the Cameron-Clegg “BIG SOCIETY”. As well as decent housing being exclusive to the rich, the health service will go the same way and an adequate education will be an expensive commodity that most will not be able to afford. All this to safeguard the bond markets and the millionaire parasites of the corporate world, the real friends of this government and its millionaire cabinet.

           We accept these cuts at our peril, all that the working class have gained through struggle over the last century will be wiped out. It will be a return the poverty of the Victorian era where the deprivation in society was handled by charities and the rich parasites massage their egos by pretending to be philanthropists where they handed back a pittance of what they stole from the poor and expect respect and homage from those that they plundered.

ann arky’s home.



       Some of my friends are unemployed and receive £65 a week to live on and of course as anybody with half a brain cell knows it can’t be done. They’re part of a growing army of young and older people, who are going to join the ranks of those who need to rely on charity. Welcome to 21st century Victorian Britain. Living in these sort of conditions has a pattern, what happens next? Well of course their physical health starts to suffer, because they have to save on food to pay electric and gas bills and replace the odd thing that wears out. Then the social life goes out the window and depression can set in and we all know that the Cameron-Clegg plan for the health service means that they will get virtually no help from that source. So what should they do? Simple sit alone and let themselves suffer in silence, letting the millionaire club get it all its own way? No, they need to organise with the employed and pensioners to stop this vicious attack on the living standards of the working class. It is time to realise that this is an all out class war struggle, as far as the corporate world is concerned, the gloves are off. Likewise it is time that the ordinary people of this society acted accordingly. The niceties of empty illusions being woven by the millionaire class while the hack us to pieces has to be met with the brutality of an all out onslaught of the working class to defend ourselves and change society for once and for all to a society that sees to the needs of all its people. We cannot compromise on the future of our kids, we have an obligation to hand our kids a world better than the one we have.


The problem’s too big
the perpetrators unknown
you can’t beat the system
all on your own.
So it’s easy to withdraw
find your own little cage
turn a blind eye to the suffering
stifle your rage,
but the greed goes on
the poverty’s still there,
you can’t just leave it
for your children to bear.
Others feel as you do
eager to put things right
but locked in isolation
it’s a hopeless fight,
so don’t sit in silence
behind a closed door,
your voice can help raise
a whisper to a roar.

ann arky’s home.



        The Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption’s well manicured millionaire twins plans for the NHS will not see it completely disappear, it will be transformed into a safety net where the poorest will get a minimum of care and those with the money to pay will get an excellent service avoiding waiting times. It will be a 1920/30s model where money will buy you what you want.

           The foundation trust hospitals will be able to offer private care along side the safety net services. Those with the money to pay will be able to choose their doctor and have their diagnosis and treatment done in rapid time avoiding the appointment and waiting time queues of the poorer members of society. The cash customers will get first call on what is the finite skills of the service, this of course will be at the expense of those unable to pay for that first class rapid service.

         What was the fundamental underlying principle of the health service, treatment for all at the time of need, will be sacrificed on the altar of Mammon, the god of the corporate world.

          Apart from being a disaster for the ordinary people, these plans for the Nation Health service will be bonus to the well manicured millionaire twins’ friends in the corporate world. They will now be able to scoop up billions of pounds from the health needs of the nation. Another public asset will be handed over to the corporate world.

         Good bye 21st century National Health Service, hello 1930s sticking plaster and delay service for the ordinary people. The ordinary people of this country should not accept such a blatant attack on their health and well being nor the plunder of their national assets without a rigorous and sustained battle. Just as the millionaire cabal is trying to change society forever to the benefit of the corporate world, so we the ordinary people should be organising to change society forever to the benefit of all our people. It should be seen for what it is a class war battle.

ann arky’s home.



      Recently in Glasgow we have had a spate of school closures and campaigns to save them. This in turn sent my prowling through some old anarchist material and I came across some bits and pieces from 1996 that highligts that nothing ever changes on the agenda of the ruling class. It is always the same attack, cut spending on the needs of the ordinary people.

      The peom below was written during such a campaign in 1996 by Freddie Anderson, Irish born Glasgow based anarchist, poet, playwrite and activist. Freddie was born 11 September 1922 and died 10 December 2001.


Whenever misrule grabs state power

and keeps in bond the nation,

the foremost of its great misdeeds

are cuts in education

for learning is a noble thing

and in its grans pursuit

we throw old predudice aside

and seek to find the Ttruth.

So those who shut our school-house doors

do so with vile intent

be they local councillors

or a gangster government,

they’ll blame each other endlessly

for crimes they common share,

conveniently forgetting that

two must make a pair.

Now who are the bigger vandals

the louts who burn our schools

or the scoundrels who just close the down

according to the rules.


ann arky’s home.



Dear Prime Minister,

                                          if we are all in this together and we live in a classless society, why is it that I wait at a bus stop in the rain for 30 minutes for a bus and somebody drives by in a car that cost more than my house?

      Puzzled citizen,  ann arky.

ann arky’s home.



The Kabul conference discussing the war in Afghanistan has only served to
demonstrate the impasse which the war has now reached. Even the US
administration has conceded that talks with the Taliban – so far resisted by
Obama – are going to happen. The recognition that the war is losing contradicts the statements, still reiterated by foreign secretary William Hague, that there is a gradual improvement in the situation in Afghanistan.

The much-touted date for withdrawal in 2014 shows the desperation of the Nato governments, faced with defeat in Afghanistan and growing unpopularity of the war domestically. The fact that they are talking about a withdrawal date reflects the growing costs of the war, in human life and in billions of dollars. The death rate of British soldiers now stands at similar levels to those of Russian soldiers just before their withdrawal 20 years ago. The death rate of Afghans has increased over the past year. The Afghan army, supposedly being trained to take over the war from the Nato forces, has a 25% desertion rate.

But the conference today answers nothing. Why is fighting continuing in Helmand and the south when a likely outcome of negotiations to end the war will be to  hand over that area to the Taliban? How can western governments claim the war is about human rights when it backs a government ranking among the most corrupt in the world? Why are these same governments ignoring public opinion, which is for rapid withdrawal of troops and an end to the war?

The role of the British government in this war has been shameful, from John Reid’s claim four years ago that the troops might be able to leave Helmand without a shot being fired in anger, to Hague’s current increasingly desperate justifications for the war.

How many more people will die before the proposed withdrawal date? How many billions will be spent on an unjustifiable war while the welfare state is
slashed by the Coalition government. And which government minister will have to tell the families of the dead what exactly they were fighting for?

We are asking all our supporters to redouble their efforts campaigning to bring the troops home. Now is a moment when the movement can really make a difference. Our timetable for withdrawal starts now, with campaigning in every locality, involving military families, trade unions, school students and students, faith groups and anti war campaigners. We are aiming for a big national demonstration to coincide with the next Nato summit on November 20th saying it’s time to go –bring the troops home.
Please start spreading the word about the demonstration – leaflets will be
available on Monday and get in touch with your local group or check the website for local activities.



7pm, Monday, 26th July
Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square
London, WC1R 4RL

Joe Glenton, jailed for refusing to fight in Afghanistan, speaks out against
the war. With Caroline Lucas, Jeremy Corbyn and Mark Steel.

The war in Afghanistan is in crisis. The strategy is crumbling, with Obama’s
sacking of General McChrystal and an increasingly corrupt Karzai government. The violence is intensifying with No clear goals and even fewer results. Thousands of Afghan civilians are dying every year and very little rebuilding is being done.    Despite the 77% of people being opposed to Britain’s involvement in Afghanistan, this government continues to send troops to kill and die in a war that is being lost.


ann arky’s home,



Landlord withholding your deposit?

Employer withholding wages?

Let’s do something about it. You don’t have to go it alone: Call Glasgow Solidarity Network for support from people like you, standing up for their rights. Together we win!

Phone or text us on: 07982742305

or e-mail us at

Next meeting;

Tuesday 20th. July,

Daisy Street Community Centre,



ann arky’s home



This austerity thingy is making times jolly hard you know.


   There is an old lady who lives in London with her extended family. She lives in a little house in central London called Buckingham something or other. Though she is on social benefits from the tax payer to help her to maintain her simple way of life, she is not short of a bob or two. It is known that she has in her possession a wine portfolio with a reputed value of £2 million, a medal collection valued at £2 million, a sizeable car collection valued around £7 million, plus a stamp collection estimated to be worth a cool £100 million. Over and above this simple city life she also has a couple of wee country houses, kind of holiday homes, one called Balmoral and the other Sandringham. It would also appear that she owes the public purse £40 million for the upkeep and maintenance of her city home and some of her other wee places in the country. I have no doubt she will be worried about the cuts in social benefits and the dismantling of the health service as our well manicured millionaire twins keep telling us, “we are all in this together”.


ann arky’s home.



        As the well manicured twins from the millionaires’ club down at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption go ahead with the financial world’s plans to decimate the living standards of the working class, they are still, without laughing, muttering that blatant lie “we are all in this together” You and I are looking at a massive rise in unemployment, savage cuts to social spending, cuts in benefits, a shattered education system, reduced pensions, working longer to to get that lousy pension, if you have a job at all, and on top of that they are now about to rip apart the health service and turn it into a market governed grouping of private enterprises, in other words the privatisation of our health service. They are about to create a society where if you want something you buy it, at a profit to some corporate body. Of course if you can’t afford it then you do without and that will apply to health, education and special needs plus a host of other things that a civilised society should provide. While we, the ordinary people, are supposed to take this, the friends of this millionaire cabinet are still laughing all the way to the bank. Take for example a certain Mr Justin King, chief executive of Sainsbury’s, the burden that he has to carry during this period of austerity is an £8 million package which was his last years earnings. Another of the millionaire cabinet’s friends Marc Bolland of Marks & Spencer’s has just sign a nice wee contract that could net him approximately £15 million for next years pay check. As you can see, we are all in this together.

          The most blatant lie about this whole affair is the fact that they keep repeating, “there is no alternative” what shit. You and I and any member of the working class know that we could create a society that would see to the needs of all our people, we know we have the ability, imagination and resources to create a society free from the profit motive, based on mutual aid and sustainability. We know we do not need that army of pampered, well manicured parasites that rip us off day and daily. We, the working class, are facing what is probably one of the biggest challenges that has arisen in capitalism, we now have the ability to organise across the whole of the European continent on an almost instantaneous basis. What is happening in this country is happening across Europe, it is a united attack by the financial institutions of corporate capitalism, it surely makes sense that we should respond with a united attack on those institutions that aim to destroy our already meagre standard of living. Local strikes, marches and demonstrations can be ignored and dealt with without too much trouble to the system. However a national general strike would be a different matter and much more difficult for the system to handle, a pan-European general strike would be impossible for the system to cope with, and would be our opportunity to restructure society to our aims based on that fair and universally desire, of a society free from the fear of deprivation and exploitation.

ann arky’s home.



 “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”                  Jack Kerouac.


Rebel rebel break the rule,
What does it matter that a “wise” man sees a fool.
Not for you the herd’s dull beat
Making tomorrow, yesterday’s repeat,
Living out the life of a clone
Marching with the crowd but always alone.
Shaping your life from some dusty tome
Playing it safe, staying at home.
Rebel rebel break the rule
Swim in the sea, never the pool.
Live your emotions, feel the surge
Follow your dreams, chase the urge.
Make life though short, an exciting game
Not a mad march for fortune or fame.
Capture the moment, live it now
Being alive your only vow.
Rebel rebel break the rule
In the end,     you’re humanity’s jewel.

ann arky.

ann arky’s home.



       Today we are witnessing a corporate pan-European attack on the living conditions of the working class. Governments across Europe, at the behest of the corporate/financial institutions are cutting back on the welfare state. Social services, education, health, pensions, libraries, museums, swimming pools, etc. are all being ripped apart to make it easier for the private sector to move in and provide these services, in part or in whole. In the eyes of the corporate world if you need it or want it then the private sector should be the provider, at a profit of course, and if you can’t afford it, then you do without or rely on charity. This policy helps to cut taxes for big business and at the same time creates a large pool of cheap labour as people become desperate for a job, any job, at any wage. At least, that’s the theory, how it work out depends on you and I.

        This is a co-ordinated attack on our living standards, a well organised class war battle by a grouping that knows it is a class war and will work in unison with each other to attempt total victory. To respond with piece-meal individual union action will be futile, your not dealing with a boss-man that lives down the road, it is faceless corporate institutions of international capital. If we hope to have any chance of claiming our right to a decent standard of living and controlling our own lives we have to think as they do. We have to be united across unions and across borders, our actions have to be co-ordinated. One day general strikes happening here and there will be snuffed out, it has to be pan-European action. There has been several one day general strikes across Europe, Greece has had at least 5 since this recent attack on our conditions, Spain has had several, Italy and the Basque Country have had well supported one day general strikes. Let’s make that a rehearsal for the real battle, Spain has called for another one day general strike on the 29th September. That leaves plenty of time for the workers in all the other European countries to co-ordinate and organise for that pan-European general strike. It should however not be a one day affair as this can be endured and overcome by the corporate world. It has to be a sustained general strike across Europe with the workers of Europe realising that this is a class war and we have to win or take our conditions back to the Victorian era of poverty.

Of course we don’t just want to get things back to the greedfest of the consumer society where the corporate world rips us off as we pile up the debt and the planet gets plundered and raped. This so called crisis is our opportunity to unite in one massive class war battle that will change the shape of society forever. Our chance to create a society based on mutual aid, free from the greedy profit motive, a society of federated communities that sees to the needs of all our people, a society that sees sustainability as the natural and most beneficial road to build a world for future generations one that we would be proud to hand over to our children and grandchildren.

        This could be our last chance, think of all the bitter struggles that it took to lift some of us above that Victorian poverty of the past, think how difficult it will be to do it all over again, how many generations will be destroyed in the process. Let’s think of this as the corporate world’s last stand.

ann arky’s home.


Sounds like common sense to me, how about you?